Bias Report Form
Bias Report Form
All form fields are optional and you may omit information in order to maintain anonymity. However, more information allows the Bias Education and Suport team to better respond to the situation.
If you experience an immediate threat or emergency and require assistance, contact Campus Patrol at 801.832.2525.
The bias incident reporting process is being reviewed and revised at this time. If you have a question or concern about a bias-related incident, please email your inquiry to
What Happens to My Report
Reports will be treated as confidentially as possible. This means that we ask all people involved in the process to not disclose that a report was made, including the person who made the report and the person who was named in the bias occurrence. This helps ensure the integrity of the process and is protective for all parties involved. The Bias Education and Support team recognizes that individuals may need support and we understand that there may be a need to process the occurrence. All parties are welcome and encouraged to process an incident that may have occurred, we just ask that you not disclose that a report was made.
For reports containing contact information, a Bias Education and Support team member will contact the reporting person within 72 hours and offer an opportunity to discuss what happened and explore a plan for resolution, if desired. During this meeting, the reporting person can expect to obtain information about related university policies, procedures, and resources. Reports where the person remains anonymous will be recorded and filed.
Depending on the report and feedback from the reporting person, the Bias Education and Support team may or may not contact the other involved party. In the event that you are the other party and are contacted, a member of the Bias Education and Support team will schedule a conversation to learn more about the occurrence and, in some instances, identify opportunities for increasing awareness and education. The Bias Education and Support team does not issue penalties or disciplinary measures. The team may also elect not to name the reporting person, as this is not a formal investigation.
Other university offices may be consulted as needed to ensure a proper response. All campus entities will adhere to FERPA regulations when handling reports and information submitted via this website. In some situations, the matter may also be referred to another campus entity such as the Title IX office.