Because of the unique partnership between Westminster University and Round River Conservation Studies, eligible undergraduate students at Westminster University can apply for financial support to help with participation in Round River study abroad programs.
Eligibility for the Stipend
- Be a current degree-seeking Westminster University undergraduate student with good academic standing.
- Transfer students must have completed at least 12 credits at Westminster University prior to submitting an application.
- Have no history of conduct violations, suspensions, or other serious disciplinary violations.
- Have a demonstrated financial need as determined by FAFSA; applicants who did not file a FAFSA this year should include a written explanation of financial need.
- Be planning to enroll in a Round River study abroad program during fall, spring, or summer semester and earn academic credit for it.
- Have not previously received a Round River Global Griffins Stipend.
Awards and Selection Criteria
Westminster University will award up to $4,000 per selected recipient for fall or spring programs. Round River will provide a matching award, up to a maximum of $8,000 per semester per participant.
Westminster University will award up to $2,000 per selected recipient for a summer program. Round River will provide a matching award, up to a maximum of $4,000 per summer per participant.
Applicants and award amounts will be determined by the Office for Global Engagement in coordination with Round River and the Westminster Financial Aid office. Selections will be made based on academic merit, financial need, and connection between the program and career/academic goals.
Application Cycles
Summer and Fall deadline: Feb. 15
- Spring deadline: June 1