Competition, Dedication, Teamwork, Extramural

Student-sponsored club sports are a new addition to the multitude of opportunities available to enhance student life. A step up in competition from intramural sports, club sports allow you to develop a team in a sport of your choice and compete against other colleges and universities. Funding is generated by students working in coordination with the ASW student government.

How to Start a New Club Sport

Want to start a new club sport? Here are the steps you need to go through in order to have an official club on campus:

  1. Fill out a Club Proposal Form and consult with Student Engagement and Belonging.
  2. Create a constitution for your club and submit to the Attorney General.
  3. The constitution will then be approved/declined by the Judicial Council.
  4. If approved, it will then be taken to the Committee for Student Development to be either approved/declined.
  5. If approved, it will then be presented to the Senate, whom you will address, to be approved/declined.
  6. If approved, your club will be officially recognized by Westminster University campus and given a start-up budget.
  7. Start organizing activities and getting members!

For information on college-sponsored club sports please see the Intercollegiate Athletic Department's website.