A Tale of (Three) Roommates
Westminster friends become roommates in the “Big City”
by Lexi Banks ('12, MACL '15)
Several careers, graduate school, and 2,000 miles: Anthony Englert (’10), Tyson Smith (’08), and Adrienne Shaw Smith (’10) had gone through a lot together before becoming roommates in New York City. While they only lived together for a few days, their story shows that friendships created at Westminster span long years and vast distances.
The trio met in 2006 when Anthony and Adrienne were incoming first-year students and Tyson was serving as student-body vice president. After graduating, Tyson worked at Cicero Group in market research, consulting, and economic analysis. Tyson and Adrienne married in 2012. Anthony moved to New York City in 2014 to continue his career at Goldman Sachs.
When Tyson and Adrienne also moved to New York City in the fall of 2015, they knew they wouldn’t sign for an apartment without seeing it in person. Having remained good friends with Tyson and Adrienne after graduation, Anthony insisted they stay at his apartment as long as they needed. “His generosity made our transition to the city exponentially more comfortable,” Tyson says. “We will always be in debt to him for the kindness he showed us in our first month here.”
Anthony’s generosity was showcased their first night staying with him. Upon entering the apartment, there was a blow-up mattress set up, complete with a sheet and two pillows. When they got ready to sleep, they noticed Anthony was sleeping without a pillow: he had given them the only two in the house. Tyson acknowledges his thoughtfulness, “It’s a perfect example of the kind of host and person he is.”
Anthony knew firsthand the challenge of moving to NYC. “Between navigating public transit, people everywhere, and rental-apartment shopping (akin to home-buying elsewhere), it can be stressful,” he says. “Their day-one excitement, flexibility, and willingness to commit to things made me confident to leave them on their own.”
Adrienne notes that they were beyond lucky to have such a great friend who was willing to help them as they started their big adventure.
Tyson recently began pursuing his master’s degree in social and consumer psychology at NYU. Adrienne works with the YMCA in fundraising and administration. Anthony has worked for five years with Goldman Sachs’ private wealth management division.
Now, they live only 20 minutes apart and make an effort to see each other several times per month. Tyson and Anthony have even begun a tradition of watching NFL games together at local bars and complaining about their fantasy teams.
About the Westminster Review
The Westminster Review is Westminster University’s bi-annual alumni magazine that is distributed to alumni and community members. Each issue aims to keep alumni updated on campus current events and highlights the accomplishments of current students, professors, and Westminster alum.