
For-credit and Volunteer Options

​​Study Spanish and volunteer in a nonprofit organization in Cádiz, Malaga, Seville, or Valencia.

Online Options

Online options for learning Spanish are also available. Contact us at if you're interested.

Las Ramblas (Barcelona)Las Ramblas (Barcelona)

Six people outside playing music

Spanish Language Learning

In IPSL's partner communities in Cádiz, Malaga, Seville, and Valencia, we help students connect with each other, broaden their horizons -- and have fun in the process! 

So come take our Spanish courses. Serve alongside locals (and learn even more Spanish!). Make friends, explore a vibrant city, and open up your world, one Spanish word at a time. ¡Ven con nosotros!

Immerse yourself in some of Spain's largest cities. 

Bars, museums, art districts, glorious architecture — you name it, you’ll find it in these amazing cities.

Academics and Service in Spain

IPSL offers group, individual, short-term, long-term, evening, and online options for individuals who want to learn Spanish. Schedules vary according to the options chosen. 

​Details about Volunteer Service in Spain

  • Start Dates - Any Monday except during December and August (due to a high percentage of staff on vacation).

  • Duration - Minimum 8 weeks, maximum 6 months (depending on visa constraints)

  • Commitment - approx. 30 hours per week

  • Internship Areas - nonprofit sector

  • Requirements:

    • Age - minimum 18 years old

    • Insurance - Required to have liability insurance in 2023 (this is new)

    • Experience - No work experience required but ideally studying something related to their preferred internship area

    • Spanish Classes - Have to take at least 1 week of Spanish before starting the internship.

  • The volunteer Service program is not designed to take intensive Spanish classes and intern at the same time. This is done separately.  For example, students can do 4 weeks of intensive Spanish and then 8 weeks of Service (3 months total). If you want to take Spanish at the same time, we recommend doing the Evening Group Course during your Service or private lessons that can accommodate the Service work schedule.


What's Included

  • Tuition and academic fees for Spanish courses

  • Lodging (homestay or apartment)

  • Some meals (homestay)

  • Academic transcript 

  • On-site and online orientation and pre-departure materials

  • Service placement and supervision (if applicable)

  • Emergency medical/evacuation insurance 

  • Administrative fees

  • Airport transfers (optional)

  • Cultural and special interest programs, e.g., city walks, talks and videos about Spanish music, special interest lessons on art, literature, cuisine, history and architecture.

  • Use of computers, books, and resources in the library

  • Student services at the school office

  • Free internet access and WiFi

What's NOT Included

  • High-season surcharge for accommodation (June - August)

  • Some meals

  • Public transport

  • Weekend excursions (at cost)

  • Independent travel

  • Passport/visa expense (if applicable)

  • Personal spending money

pan with shrimp dish

IPSL's mission is to engage students, educators, and grassroots organizations around the world in hands-on service to promote equitable relationships, social justice, sustainable change, and a commitment to our shared humanity.
