The Westminster University Testing Center assists students and community members with adaptive testing accommodations, make-up exams, proctored exams, external testing opportunities, and an assistive technology library.
Adaptive Testing Accommodations
To use adaptive testing accommodations, currently enrolled Westminster students must first meet with Student Disability Services and associate accommodations with specific classes. Once this has been completed, students can schedule an exam normally, and indicate they are taking an exam with accommodations.
Make-Up Exams
Any currently enrolled Westminster students can schedule a make-up exam with the Testing Center if their professor approves. Students schedule normally and the exam is administered in the Testing Center.
College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)
The Westminster Testing Center offers digital CLEP exams for students and community members. Currently enrolled students only need to pay the CLEP exam fee, while other test takers must pay a $35 test administration fee, which can be paid in Bamberger Hall. The Testing Center is also available for anyone taking a CLEP exam through the At-Home Proctoring option and may use the Testing Center computers to do so.
Test takers must schedule a CLEP exam at least 24 hours in advance. When arriving for a CLEP exam, test takers must bring government-issued identification and a valid registration ticket from the My CLEP Student Portal.
CLEP exams are internationally recognized for college credit. Please allow up to 2 months for a completed CLEP exam’s credit to apply to your transcript.
Foreign Language Achievement Testing Services (FLATS)The Westminster Testing Center also offers FLATS exams, which are overseen by Brigham Young University. All FLATS exams are taken on a Testing Center computer. When scheduling a FLATS exam, test takers will have the option to select Westminster as the proctor and location for the test. Currently enrolled students only need to pay the FLATS fee to Brigham Young University, while other test takers must pay a $35 test administration fee, which can be paid in Bamberger Hall.
Test takers must schedule a FLATS exam at least 24 hours in advance. When arriving for a FLATS exam, test takers must bring a photo ID.
FLATS is a regionally recognized program that not all institutions accept for college credit. Please check with your registrar to ensure that your school accepts FLATS. Please allow up to 2 months for a completed FLATS exam’s credit to apply to your transcript.
External Credit
Students can find more guidance about external credit options in the Academic Catalog.
Exam Procedures
Students must follow the Testing Center Rules and Code of Conduct.
The Testing Center provides some testing supplies: pencils, pens, highlighters, scratch paper, and various kinds of calculators. Any specialized materials for an exam must be brought by the test taker.
- Get approval from your instructor to make up the exam.
- All exams MUST be scheduled. Email, call 801.832.2116, or stop by the Testing Center to schedule the exam within the parameters set by your instructor. Exams must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance.
- If you need to reschedule your make-up exam time, you are allowed to schedule a new time before the deadline provided by the instructor. If the deadline has passed or you're unable to take the exam before the deadline, you must contact your instructor for an extension.
- When you arrive to take the exam, you will:
- Show a photo ID—a photo ID is required before you can begin the exam.
- Review the Testing Center Policies.
- Review the specific instructions for your exam.
- You will place all belongings not required for the exam in the Testing Center lobby. Phones and any electronic devices with communication capabilities are to be checked in for the duration of your exam and checked out when you are finished. At the end of the exam, return the exam, materials, and any notes or scratch paper to be collected to a staff member. If the exam is taken through Canvas, you may be required to confirm the completion and submission of your exam.
- After completion of the exam, Testing Center staff will return the exam as indicated by your instructor. The exam and all materials are placed in an envelope and sealed. If the Testing Center staff notices anything unusual during the exam or suspects cheating, they will include an Incident Form along with any proof they have of the incident.
Exams taken in the Testing Center are always monitored and Testing Center staff ensure the integrity of the exams. Electronic exams are also monitored using software.
Make-up exams must be approved by faculty members in accordance with their class procedures. The Testing Center provides some testing supplies: pencils, pens, highlighters, scratch paper, and various kinds of calculators. Any specialized materials for an exam must be brought by the test taker.
- Provide the exam to the Testing Center. You can drop off the exam in person to the Testing Center in the basement of Giovale Library during operating hours and, while there, complete a Faculty Examination Request Form. The Testing Center will hold the exam in a locked cabinet. You can also email the exam and form to
- The student must call 801.832.2116, email, or stop by the Testing Center in person to schedule the make-up exam. Testing Center staff will verify that the exam is in the Testing Center and remind the student to bring a photo ID at the time of the exam. All exams MUST be scheduled 24 hours in advance.
- The Testing Center staff will email you that the student’s exam has been scheduled and request the exam if it is not on file with the Testing Center. The student will also be advised to contact you about providing the exam to the Testing Center.
- At the time of the exam, Testing Center staff will ask the student for a photo ID to confirm they are the person who is allowed to take the make-up exam. The student will be required to acknowledge the Rules and Code of Conduct. The Testing Center staff then monitors the exam session.
- After completion of the exam, Testing Center staff will return the exam to you as indicated on the Faculty Examination Request form. The exam and all materials are placed in an envelope and sealed. If the Testing Center staff notices anything unusual during the exam or suspects cheating, they will include an Incident Form along with any proof they have of the incident. Delivery of exams to campus mailboxes may not be possible until the day after the exam is taken.
- If the exam deadline expires before the exam is taken, you will receive an email stating that the exam deadline has passed and you must pick up the expired exam from the Testing Center or advise the Testing Center that the deadline has been extended. At the end of each semester, any exams left in the Testing Center after the grade submission deadline will be destroyed unless you submit a special request.
The Testing Center has a small stock of assistive technology for any student to check out and use in their classes and studying. Priority is given to students with specific accommodations.
The following items are available:
- LiveScribe pens and notebooks
- Audio Recorders
- USB Microphones
- USB Cameras
Any Westminster student who is planning to record class must first sign the Audio Recording Agreement and return it to the Testing Center or Student Disability Services.
- Location: Giovale 001 (basement of Giovale Library)
- Hours: Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Email:
- Phone: 801.832.2116
Testing Center
Testing Center