Tuition, food and housing, and other special fees for the Fall 2024 Semester are due on August 1, 2024. If you’re unable to make the full payment you must sign up for a payment plan prior to August 1.
Westminster University accepts check, electronic check, cashier’s check, traveler’s check, American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa. All card transactions will be charged a 2.5% processing fee.
If you have any questions about payments and payment plans, contact Student Account Services.
Ways to Pay
Pay Online
You can pay tuition online with an electronic check or accepted credit card through Self-Service using your Westminster login and password.
For electronic check (ACH) payments, you must provide the routing number, bank account number, and check number.
Pay in Person
To pay tuition in person, visit the Cashier’s window on the lower floor of Bamberger
Hall between 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Pay by Mail
You can pay tuition by mailing a check with student's name and student ID number to:
Westminster University
Attn: Cashier
1840 South 1300 East
Salt Lake City, UT 84105
Pay by Phone
To pay with an accepted credit card by phone, call the cashier's window at 801.832.2135.
International Students
For your convenience and safety, all international students are required to pay tuition, fees, room, and board through Flywire.
Refunds and Overpayments
Refunds will be processed after aid has been applied towards your account. Refunds will not be issued until the first day of the semester and your refund may not be available on the first day of class.
Payment Plans
To meet the diverse financial needs of Westminster students and families, monthly payment plans are available. We also offer an employer reimbursement option. Payment plans must be in place on or before the first day of a given semester. You must renew your payment plan each semester you attend Westminster.
Failure to Pay
Failure to make satisfactory payments on any payment plan can result in being removed from the plan, the entire balance being due in full, or the assessment of a 1% interest charge on the last day of each month until the balance is paid in full. Failure to make payments can also result in dropped classes and holds on transcripts and diplomas.
Tuition Appeals
Students sometimes face circumstances or situations that prevent them from finishing a course or semester. A committee meets monthly to examine petitions made by students regarding full or partial charges of tuition and fees.
A student's petition, which includes a detailed letter and appropriate documentation, can be submitted through the Registrar's Office.
Student Account Services
Student Account Services
Financial Aid Office
Financial Aid Office
Information Services and Computer Support
Information Services and Computer Support
Dean of Students
Dean of Students