A Revolution Is Coming
Finds passion and national recognition after Westminster
by Lexie Banks (’12, MACL ’15)
Not only is Sarah Scott (’11) a mover and shaker in the Salt Lake City arts community, she founded Utah for Bernie Sanders and has given hope to thousands of people around the world. After graduating from Westminster with a degree in finance, Sarah moved to Detroit, where she was active in community and economic redevelopment projects through the arts. These projects helped Sarah generate change in the community with minimal resources—a lesson that has followed her for years.
After a brief stint working in an industrial plant in Wyoming, Sarah quickly moved up in her company. What began as a job “making sure people didn’t start fires” led Sarah to become the director of marketing and graphic design for the Wyoming division of Great Basin International. She is currently the lead software developer for the company’s Salt Lake City office.
As the founder of Utah for Bernie Sanders, Sarah coordinates more than 5,500 members—adding more than 200 new members every month—and a force of more than 200 active volunteers. “For the first time, I feel like I am doing something I am passionate about in Utah: community activism,” Sarah says.
In addition to working on the Bernie Sanders campaign, Sarah is continuing her passion for artistic development by serving on the board of Nomad Studios, a new artist loft in Sugar House. This space will offer 8,000 sq. ft. of usable space for the arts and for community projects.
Even with so many accomplishments, Sarah is not one to brag about one of her most meaningful contributions to the community. After her best friend’s mother died of cancer, Sarah signed up as a bone-marrow donor. Sarah was identified as one of two potential donors with a perfect match on all 12 markers. After two-and-a-half weeks, one unprecedented failed round of medication, and a hospital stay in Minneapolis, Sarah’s donation was successful.
“After three months, they said she was doing okay—but they weren’t certain,” Sarah says. “In August, I received the letter.” The letter conveyed the recipient’s gratitude for the donation that saved her life. Sarah’s story was featured in The Huffington Post, Yahoo Health, The Metro, and other news outlets, bringing in more than a million views. But more importantly, Sarah’s story led thousands of people to sign up as bone-marrow donors, saving even more lives through her story.
Whether in the arts, politics, or life-saving donations, Sarah shows her passion and dedication to making an impact in her community.
About the Westminster Review
The Westminster Review is Westminster University’s bi-annual alumni magazine that is distributed to alumni and community members. Each issue aims to keep alumni updated on campus current events and highlights the accomplishments of current students, professors, and Westminster alum.