Peggy Cain, Ph.D



Phone: 801.832.2479


Office Location: Foster Hall 322

Office Hours: MW 3:00–7:00 p.m., TTh 2:30–5:00 p.m.


Ph.D. University of Wisconsin - Madison
B.A. Wartburg College
M.A. University of Wisconsin - Madison

Learn More About Peggy


Areas of Interest: social change, adult learning in social movements and community settings, indigenous knowledges, Latin American studies, and futures thinking.

Biography: I have taught at Westminster for 25 years. My classes integrate multiple aspects of learning and social change, with an emphasis on progressive ways to respond to current global crises through activism and education. I have led the development of several programs including the Master of Arts in Community and Organizational Leadership, the Educational Studies Major/Minor, and tracks within the Master of Education. I direct and teach in the MACOL, MED, and Educational Studies programs. Prior to joining the Westminster University faculty, I led educational travel experiences in the southwestern United States and in Mexico and Guatemala with the Center for Global Education and Experience. I edited a weekly newspaper in Westminster, Colorado. My PhD is in Adult Education, my MA is in Latin American Studies/Economic Development, and my BA is in Communication Arts/Journalism.

Peggy Cain