The desire to work from home takes one Westminster alumna to celebrity-fashion status
by Michelle Barber Lyhnakis (MPC ’06)
Devin Lane (’12) posts a frantic pic on Instagram. She’s up past midnight sewing dozens of orders for Zion’s Den Apparel, a women’s and children’s clothing and accessory company she started in August 2014, after the birth of her son, Zion.
“I never knew how badly I wanted to be a mom until I was one,” Devin said. Her job didn’t allow the flexibility she needed to be with her son. “I was working as a fashion-accessory manager for an apparel company, and the travel became overwhelming. My fiancé and I had the idea [for Zion’s Den] and went for it.” She started with beanies and bibs, and quickly added headbands, scarfs, bibanas (bandana bibs), hoodies, leggings, and shorts for children and women.
Devin was nervous about launching her own company but says Westminster gave her the tools she needed to run her business. Devin came to Westminster from Lake George, New York, after learning about the college from the United States Ski and Snowboard Association. She saw photos of the college online and fell in love. At Westminster, she majored in communication, was president of the A-Team (the student-alumni association), and participated in the Alumni Mentoring Program. “Through these experiences, I found the courage and support to follow my dreams and pursue my passions,” Devin says.
In January, Zion’s Den Apparel was featured in the Sundance swag bags. The line may also be spotted on the children of celebrities like Kim Kardashian, Jessica Alba, and Carrie Underwood. “I make everything 100 percent by hand,” Devin said.
With items like the Hipster Deer Leggings and Mountain Momma Tank, Devin’s designs are a modern, fashion-forward take on mountain wear. Check out Zion’s Den at zionsdenapparel.com.
Devin and her fiancé, Adam, have plans to marry in July 2016. Zion celebrated his first birthday in April 2015.
About the Westminster Review
The Westminster Review is Westminster University’s bi-annual alumni magazine that is distributed to alumni and community members. Each issue aims to keep alumni updated on campus current events and highlights the accomplishments of current students, professors, and Westminster alum.